Holding 2020
Mid fire white stoneware clay, wheel thrown and handbuilt.
In this age of industry our connection to nature has been severed in the most heartbreaking ways. Our connection to ourselves and each other has been compromised by the heavy expectations of a society that needs the cogs (people) to keep turning.
Life is a relentless learning and evolution, a story of survival for each of us within our own unique experiences. My creativity has been my tether to life and the peace I have found within my making and within the natural world has given me comfort, holding me always.
“..Nature is trying to give a messages all the time. We need to look up from our devices, lift our downcast gaze and rediscover our own beauty in living. Try it for yourself. Free yourself from distractions and focus on you inner stillness despite the surrounding hustle and bustle..”
Dr Hinemoa Elder – Aroha
'Holding' is currently available for purchase here

Photos by Samuel Hartnett